9-10 Nov 2023 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (Belgium)


Template for abstracts

Les résumés peuvent être soumis et présentés en langue française ou anglaise.

Abstracts may be submitted and presented in English or French language.




Julien Bachmann – The University of Erlangen
Systematic build of a macroporous model system to test the inherent activity of SCALMS catalysts

Stephane Bastide - Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux, Paris-Est, ICMPE – CNRS – UPEC
Photo/electrooxidation of urea in urine for wastewater treatment and hydrogen production.

Roselien Vercauteren - VOCSens
Porous silicon membranes and their application to indirect bacterial detection

Helder Almeida Santos - University of Helsinki
Porous silicon-based nanoparticles for boosting cancer antitumor immunity and mitochondria-targeting for reactive oxygen species generation

Gilles Scheen - INCIZE - HEPL - UCLouvain
Post-fab porosification : Challenges and advances


We are happy to welcome you to the 6th SCOPe conference days, which will be held in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium on November 9-10th, 2023.

The objective of these conference days is to bring together the European actors involved in research on porous semiconductors and oxides and their applications.

This 6th edition of the SCOPe conference days will be an opportunity for our community to share our latest advances in the field and to promote the young scientists.

Doctoral and post-doctoral students will be given priority for oral presentation.


  • Development, manufacturing techniques, structures
  • Luminescence and photonics
  • Microelectronics
  • Systems and integration
  • Functional coatings
  • Sensors
  • Photovoltaic
  • Electrode materials, energy, conversion, storage
  • Medical imaging, therapy


Students, PhD-fellow : 80€

Academics : 120€

Industrials : 230€

*Registration fees cover cofee breaks, 2 lunches.


A new interest in porous semiconductors has emerged in the scientific community in the 90s, notably thanks to the discovery of the photoluminescence of porous silicon. Electrochemical processes have become leading methods for the nano-structuration of most semiconductors (Si, GaAs, InP, etc) and have enabled the generation of self-ordered porous networks (Al2O3, TiO2, etc). They have therefore been widely studied as they have opened up prospects for the manufacture of nano-objects with new properties, in particular electronic and optical. Subsequently, potential applications for such structures have increased in various fields including opto- and microelectronics, systems, sensors, energy and nanomedicine.

Nowadays, porous semiconductors are at the heart of the scientific interests of many research teams around the world, attracting the attention of chemists, physicists, biologists and clinicians.

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October 15th, 2023 :

Abstract deadline

October 29th, 2023 :

Registration deadline

November 09-10th, 2023 :

SCOPe 2023 conference days

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